Charities Aid Foundation COVID-19 Reports

Charities Aid Foundation of America did a series of surveys earlier this year providing insight into what non-profits around the world are experiencing through the coronavirus crisis.  This survey was completed by 500 organizations in 100 countries.  Questions include the impact of decreased funding in the next 12 months, how many orgs expect to close in the next year, to what operations are limited to as a result of COVID, and much more.  We’re harvesting the questions and posing them to our community with the hope of presenting our findings to our board in preparation for 2021.

Additionally, as a pre-COVID baseline, I’m sharing a report that CAF America prepared in 2019 assessing the giving landscape toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] unanimously adopted by all U.N. member states in 2015. CAF America’s report “explores the SDG landscape that has emerged based on its donors’ philanthropic giving since the goals came into effect on January 1st, 2016.”

Methodology for SDG Giving Landscape report

The Voice of Charities Facing COVID-19 Worldwide, vol. 1. Surveys conducted with 544 organizations in 93 countries, March 24 – March 26, 2020.

The Voice of Charities Facing COVID-19 Worldwide, vol. 2. Surveys conducted with 880 organizations in 122 countries, April 30 – May 6, 2020.

The Voice of Charities Facing COVID-19 Worldwide, vol. 3. Surveys conducted with 414 organizations in 125 countries from May 28 – June 3, 2020.

The Voice of of Corporate Philanthropy in Response to COVID-19 Worldwide, vol. 4. Surveys conducted with 73 corporations and corporate foundations, June 25 – July 10, 2020.

Please Note: All links to external websites are for informational purposes only. The views or opinions represented in articles, blogs, videos, and other media do not necessarily represent those of PCP as an organization or of any individual member.